Public Information Request
5 ILCS-Freedom of Information Act
FOIA Officer: Jackie McLain, Village Clerk
The Village of Bethany FOIA Officer will notify the elected official or department head when a request is received and, if the request is valid, the timeframe for answering the request.
FOIA Requests: complied with or denied within five (5) business days after receipt of the request. If needed, an extension of time of not more than five (5) business days from the originial due date may be needed to complete a request. Notification of extension will be given in a timely manner. Requests for commercial purposes will be responded to within twenty-one (21) business days after receipt.
Below is a copy of our FOIA Request form for your convenience.
The Village of Bethany provides the following ways for you to submit your public information request.
Hand Delivery or Mail
You may request a form from the Village Hall and hand deliver or mail it.
Written Form
You may submit a request to any Village Employee in any written form, including by electronic mail, fax, or letter.
Good to Know
Please note that for a public information request to be valid, it must be submitted in writing to the Village.
FOIA Fees:
First 50 pages of printed material NO FEE
Additional pages $0.15 per page
Color pages after 1st 50 pages $0.30 per page
CD/DVD/Flash Drive Actual cost of the medium
(Capability to put information on a CD/DVD is not always possible)
Contact Info
Jackie McLain
Village Clerk/FOIA Officer